I could leave it at that, but I think the concept of the free market is under a lot of pressure right now, pressure that may be undeserved. And maybe a bad time is a good time to scrutinise this.
And wow, is this a bad time. The world order is in an uncomfortable state ... I for one have considered that my money would actually be better off under the mattress.
You may have seen the posts of various bloggers who are concerned too, and who have picked different facets from the chaos (the greed/need contrast crops up more than once):
like this one from janelle where she highlights the case of a Belgian banker walking out of a disaster with millions of euros in his back pocket
or this one from family affairs who describes how the employees of the failed Lehman Brothers are nevertheless going to get their bonuses paid by Nomura
or this from bush mummy in which her friend Gav, surviving a cancer operation, hits out at inequity: "when I run the world we will swap nurses' and bankers' salaries over..."
You will have seen more of the same. No one, I suspect, has trouble identifying with their sentiments.
But when we look at the financial turmoil of the world right now are we really seeing the results of greed, unbridled capitalism and the failings of free markets?
I'm not so sure. And I (brave, stupid or both) intend to try and make my case here.

What are we seeing? We are seeing civil contracts being honoured. When they were hired, the shareholders represented by the boards were so keen to have these individuals that they gave them very attractive contracts, including severance terms should those contracts be prematurely terminated.
While that might stick in the craw, the fact is the world would be a whole lot worse off if people could, at their whim, fail to honour contracts. This would affect us all - buying and selling houses, making an insurance claim, replacing something under guarantee ...
If the other party could just say, "Sorry things have changed and I now have a poor opinion of you, so I'm not going to pay up" then we would really be in the shit.
Are they greedy? Well, maybe, but that's another matter. Keep the money, give it to charity, that's up to the executives concerned. But honouring contracts is central to civilised life.
How about swapping the salaries of bankers and nurses?
Well, that's an interesting idea and one that has already been tried (I'll come to that). The new state would not last long. Why? Because you would have the worst paid bankers in the world and the best paid nurses in the world. The bankers would go and do other things (the resulting shortage would have their salaries bid up in no time) while the nursing profession would be flooded by incomers (the resulting oversupply would have their salaries crash in no time).
I said it had been tried.

The only alternative is to have the state legislate that your salary shall be X while you, yes you over there, your salary shall be Y.
Thanks, but no thanks. Not a world I want. (It too has already been tried).
The fact is that in a free market people are paid what they are worth, no more and no less. No legislation is needed; it is automatically regulated by supply and demand. Bankers are paid outrageously precisely because (a) not many people have their skills and (b) not many people would like the demanding life style.
But, hey, there's no closed shop. If you want a banker's salary, don't bitch about it, go for it. And see if you like it.
One of my daughters is in the City. She's crammed all her life - GCSEs, slogging to get the A levels results that allowed her to be selected for Cambridge, four years at Cambridge slogging her guts out to get the first she needed to have a chance of getting a training contract by the right kind of corporate law firm, two more years at law college, another training year in the firm (she's at that stage now), nights and weekends mean nothing - the firm gets first call on those hours ... and then, in a year or two, yes, she will be on a six-figure salary. You want all that? Really? I don't.
Result - very little supply, unmet demand, huge salary. It's not rocket science.
Or you can be a nurse. A lot of people want to do it. A lot of people can do it. Therefore it does not pay very well.
So it's not unfairness, or greed, or altruism, or someone manipulating something. Nurses may be saints and bankers may be wankers. But there are, apparently, more saints than wankers. QED.
What about the free market and its failings?
Problem is, markets are seldom free. Consider oil and its yo yo pricing that has been a pain for all of us. The exact opposite to a free market. OPEC is a cartel, sets prices and production quotas and then polices its members to make sure they stick to it.
Another, exact opposite to a free market example: agricultural production, and the obscenity of groaning surpluses in one part of the world and starvation in another. Western governments guarantee prices so there is no market feedback to the producer. In a free market, a grain surplus would lead to falling prices which would have two positive effects - poor countries would benefit from the falling price and farmers would switch to other outputs so that the surplus would self-correct. We hit poor countries again by imposing quotas and otherwise making it difficult for them to sell to us (even though you and I may want their products).
Banks. The exact opposite to a free market. Heavily regulated, unable to set their own interest rates (base rates are set by central banks/governaments), operate on a fractional reserve system which has been passed into law by our governments - which means they actually can't pay us if there is a run on a bank; even in good times!
Don't get me wrong. Many banks have behaved like arses and exposed themselves to enormous risk.

Nope. We guarantee deposits and nationalise them to recapitalise them and punish our tax-payers twice. First, by making citizens shareholders (whether they will or whether they won't) of some pretty dodgy enterprises. Second by hitting the value of their savings by printing money to make up the loss of liquidity.
And by the way, where did all this risk arise? Well in the UK trillions are being lost in the housing market. The banks lend money against assets (land and buildings). When people default, the banks have found that they can no longer cover themselves because the asset value has fallen. This is why sub-prime is such a panic. The shortfall is huuuuuuge.
But the housing market has been, yep, the exact opposite to a free market. For years various governments pushed people into house ownership by giving them tax breaks on mortgages, but no tax breaks on rent payments. Then they choked off the supply of land by zoning restrictions. So on the one hand they stimulated demand and on the other hand they restricted supply, leading to decades of house price inflation. And everyone felt rich. Yippee.
Yes. I respect the self-correction of the free market, its flexibility, its responsiveness and the way it aligns the needs of buyers and sellers. There really is nothing like a free market. And what we see around us is nothing like a free market.
OK. That's my rant. I've put my tin hat on. Tell me where I'm wrong.
ok. i won't dare to correct you because you are way too clever for me....so can only quote from another rather clever person, W C Fields:
" I like thieves.Some of my best friends are thieves.Why, just last week, we had the president of the bank over for dinner..."
and i can only make a comparison of this total disaster to a simple little rhyme: about humpty dumpty who sat on a wall...and for the life of them, all those kings horses and men couldn't put it back together again.
so whatever, things are looking bad...whoever is to blame. it is how it is. so. i say...keep the loot under your mattress. like my grandpa did, and keep those layers layin' xx janelle
oh and also
who's afraid of the big bad wolf, the big bad wolf, the big bad wolf?
Excellent post Ernest and points well made. I agree with honouring contracts. I don't agree with fulfilling reward junkets after your company has failed. There's one more 'cause' to add and that's the panic of people pulling their money out in hard times and forgetting that the past five years have enabled double digit returns on investments. If investors look at the long term, their returns, even given the fall are not half bad!
I feel for the self funded retirees who are watching their capital reduce at a rate of knots but sit tight. What people forget is someone's buying their underlying assets for a 'song'. However this pans out, it's a wake up call and hopefully we'll tighten our belts and think before we borrow!
I have no money, I spent it on lip gloss, wine and new shoes.
Am I happy with my choices ? Actually I am, rather.
Again apologies, I always seem to lower the tone somewhat...
janelle - well, I'm going to correct you: I am not way to clever for you. So there.
I liked the WC Fields quote!
baino - yes, we forget that we've had years and years of bull markets. Good point.
auntie gwen - lower the tone? Nonsense. Inject some common sense more like it.
I think it's just a question of balance really...and the balance has been wrong, allowing the 'city' to make money out of instability...but in truth, a market properly regulated is better than the casino capitalism of the last two decades, or the prospect of a state run economy...
nota bene - I do understand the search for balance. But there's the rub. What does "properly regulated" mean? It usually means that politicians or civil servants try and double guess what the market is doing, whereas free markets are self-regulated by the invisible hand of supply and demand.
So to take commodity prices. They guess what the floor price for wheat is going to be, rather than let the price form. Normally too little wheat means higher prices, so farmers will grow more. Too much, and the price decline will have them switch.
But when a civil servant sets the price (usually too high, for political reasons) they grow all they can, because the price can't be driven down. And they are likely to use intensive methods to do it, with the consequent environmental degradation. The price difference is picked up by you and me, plus the cost of storing it, plus the cost of removing nitrates from the drinking water.
So that diverts tax revenues from, say, education or medicine, or requires higher taxes. This is our money, spent in ways in which we probably don't approve of, and diverts it from alternative spending on our own prosperity, or gifting to charity or whatever.
So every time I try and think of "good" regulation, I draw a blank I'm afraid, and end up feeling the outcome is worse, not better.
This is such a weighty issue, and you have presented the case for very clearly, that it would take a volume or two to reply. I was interested in doing my DPhil on precisely this issue - though attacking it from a philosophical point of view.
The idea we have free markets or even if such mechanisms are possible is a misnomer.
Our current concept of free markets is based on assumptions so deeply held they are, by definition, impossible to examine objectively. No society can step outside of its time to see the foundations on which it stands.
That said, our idea of capitalism today is very different to what it was fifty years ago.
Capitalism, a mechanism of exchange, is, as I have already commented on my blog, amoral. It cares not who benefits or who loses. Money, which has no intrinsic value and is merely a promisory note of confidence in that exchange, has today acquired an almost transcendental value.
Capitalism, like any mechanism, needs governance or it will break down or get out of control - which is exactly what has just happened
Ah dot - exactly. While I was penning the blog I thought to myself, what am I doing, this is going to take a book ... !
Personally I do think that free markets are possible and desirable. I believe that places like Hong Kong and Canada get close. If people are free to choose their own goods and services, and no coercion is involved either by consumer or provider, and there are no artificial constraints on supply or prices, then the free market can operate.
It is hard to understand why free markets give rise to suspicion and antipathy when they are the opposite to totalitarianism of either the left or the right, but there you go.
I think though I would like to address a point made by both nota bene and you on how capitalism has worked over the last couple of decades; I think you both imply it has been given maybe too much free reign and we now see the awful consequences.
I don't see it this way. The economy can't really be described as capitalist when 4 pounds out of every 10 pounds spent (in England) is spent by government. More than half the money spent in Scotland is spent by government. And there is a good deal of regulation.
I'm neutral on much of this.
All I would say, is that while this pertains, it is hard to blame "capitalism" for our woes. One could more logically blame "a mixed economy" for our woes, since that is where we are coming from.
Oh lord, this means I have to get back into my financial services power suit and think. I will think and come back with a reply, at least, I'll try... and then again maybe I won't because I can't be arsed. Wheels within wheels, all things are cyclical what works one day may not work the next. There are some serious questions to be asked and answered...
I suppose one point is, it's always easier to cry "foul" when the match is over, eh?
av - that's a bit cryptic! I think you are going to have to be arsed and come back when you have more time. Would love to see your reflections.
Ernest - I can't get the image out of my head of an army of mop wielding ex-bankers beseiging the Time Out offices because it pays better than banking.
Seriously though - I have been trying to get my head around how things have got to this state, and I have to say that I'm intrigued that you think things are too regulated. I've been listening to various commentaries including 'This American Life'. The show broadcast on the 3rd October
Has an excellent piece (at the end of the show) explaining how attemts to regulate the market were defeated allowing dodgy practices like Naked Short Selling and Credit Default Swaps to proliferate and play a big part creating the current maelstrom.
lulu - thanks, interesting prog, I reproduce the link here as a "clickable": link to lulu's programme.
I don't want to be dogmatic about regulatiion. Some historians though think that the Great Depression would have corrected itself much sooner if left alone and without FDR's New Deal.
Naked short selling I don't have a problem with, and have done plenty myself. If you get it wrong, and the price goes against you (i.e. up) you have to close and make up the difference. Interesting that after it was made illegal to short sell banks in the UK their share prices halved and worse, quad meme.
CDSs and other derivatives, of which I don't know much, well maybe there is a problem there, but whether you could or should regulate it I don't know.
I think my point about regulation is more along the lines of let's not pretend we're seeing unfettered dyed in the wool capitalism here, since it's no such thing.
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