In common with some other parts of the globe, we started with a very cold and wet spring / early summer. However, the clouds have parted the last two days and the furnace is still functioning.
The pool has turned a very interesting bottle green colour. I have had to ditch whatever green credentials I can claim and am dosing it up with various noxious substances.
Which brings me to my gripe.
The government knows how much money I have and they tax me accordingly. I have some savings, and those are "after tax" savings, i.e. from earnings that were fully taxed at the time.
OK, so I've taken some of those savings and built a swimming pool. The stuff I bought I paid purchase tax on. The water I filled it with I bought from the water company. What little energy the pool uses, I have paid for too. I hope and believe that various enterprises and their employees have benefited from my spending.
And now I'm taxed extra because I have a pool. A pool can be seen as a luxury, though I don't think that I've suddenly become richer. Poorer actually. I cannot think of a single way in which my pool is a drain on the resources of the local or larger community. So what is the possible justification for yet another tax?
Gripe gripe gripe gripe gripe.
Smile. (I made that last one up).
You get taxed simply for 'owning' a pool! Crikey if the Government decided to do that over here they'd clear the national debt! Empathy with the 'greenness' mine has been adopted by about 20 Wood Ducks who are intent on staying until November methinks! That combined with a huge Liquidamber Tree that is about to plop a plethora of hand sized leaves into the bog . . .ah well . . nothing a chemical dump and some overnight filtering cant fix.
ah well but still you live in paradise, so you can't complain too much.
during the early 20th century the government taxed by the number of windows in a house.
so you can imagine what effect that had on windows...
baino - the French gov is particularly addicted to tax, a consequence of putting something like half the country on the civil service payroll.
laurie - and I thank you for your timely reminder that I do live in paradise, just when my gripe meter was entering the red zone. Windows - yes, I've come across that one and I think in the UK they once did chimneys. Apparently they like to tax things you can't hide. Wonder why?
Wow, they look like they're covered in snow :o)
Taxed for owning a pool?? I thought it was bad enough over here, with everything geared towards fleecing the motorist!
I have to teach pupils about tax. By the time I've told them that they're taxed when they earn it, save it and spend it, most of them say they don't think they'll bother getting a job!
Great photos, by the way.
HAHA love Working Mum's comment! Beautiful photographs, a butterfly and all :)
You have a pool? Wow you are rich! (just kidding)
Can I come visit? (not kidding so much as imposing)
Seriously though, I think you are right and I think you should complain. I am betting there are quite a few rich people with pools that they don't even use, but at the same time there would be lots of people like yourself who paid all the taxes before and after getting a pool built on their properties. One thing I love about France (although there aren't that many things - no offence) is the ability for people to argue, debate and protest. Maybe you can actually get your voice out there and see who would join to explain this to your government with a view to change the status-unfair-quo.
So, when is a good time to visit you guys? :p
better hope they don't start taxing the weeds next!
maybe you can get a break if you turn the pool into a community pool!
lovely pics
karen - they'll be taxing my intelligence next
working mum - you're right; you get taxed on what you were taxed on what you were taxed. And thanks
anonymous - thanks, but not up to your standard
g - the French do debate. It's worth remembering if you ever have a disagreement; show you are ready to talk and talk and they will help get over it. If you want squalor, come over now. For luxury you will need to wait till next summer
mouse - please, don't tax the weeds! I have so many, that will definitely break the bank
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